Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council
Keep up to date with the resource consent applications from Meridian Energy for the Waitaki Hydroelectric Scheme.
You can find all the relevant consent documentation for these applications at the link below.
27 July – Resource consent applications received
16 October – resource consents accepted for processing.
Applications being audited
Public notification
Submissions close
Pre-circulation of evidence
Request for further information
Our team have completed the initial audit of Meridian Energy’s applications.
On 16 October, we requested further information from Meridian Energy to fully understand the proposal’s potential effects.
“This is an expected part of our consideration process, especially for significant proposals such as this,” said Aurora Grant, Consents Planning Manager. “Once we have received a response, we will continue processing the applications.”
We have asked Meridian Energy to provide further information on the scheme’s potential effects on:
- surface water and groundwater
- instream values, wetlands and indigenous biodiversity
- economic factors
- climate change
- geomorphology (lake, river, coastal) and downstream users
- the plans for mitigation measures, off-setting and compensation.
Meridian Energy has 15 working days to respond to this request.
These applications are for controlled activities and must be granted; the consent conditions are under consideration during this process.
View hydroelectric schemes in the Waitaki district
Making submissions
The next stage of the application process is public notification. This is when the public can have their say on how the Waitaki Hydroelectric Scheme operates.
We will notify the public when submissions open. You can find out how to make a submission, which gives your views on the application, on our ‘Make a submission’ webpage.
Hearing information
A hearing will take place for these consent applications. This is where submitters who wish to be heard can speak.
The details of when and where the hearing will take place, and who the hearing commissioners are, is yet to be confirmed.
We will provide details for the hearing on this page once it is confirmed.
Read more general information on the consent application process under the Resource Management Act (RMA).
Previous stages
27 July – Applications received~~
On 27 July, we received 19 resource consent applications from Meridian Energy to continue the operation of its Waitaki Hydroelectric Scheme.
The applications are for controlled activities which means they must be granted. It is the proposed conditions of the consents that will be the focus of the application process.
The applications will now be audited along with any associated technical and scientific reports.
Meridian Energy has requested public notification.
Members of the community will be able to make submissions and have their say on the conditions of the consents once all the required audits have been completed.
We will notify the public once submissions are open.
Read all the relevant consent documentation for applications CRC240441- 59.
Environment Canterbury © 2023
Retrieved: 1:10pm, Fri 20 Oct 2023