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Source: New Zealand Returned Services Association

Thanks to the RNZRSA, a small piece of New Zealand is on its way to every member of the New Zealand Defence Force that will be deployed overseas this Christmas.

Those serving personnel can expect some festive cheer from home, thanks to 200 RNZRSA Forces Gift Parcels which are now on the way to deployments around the world including in the Republic of Korea, South Sudan, Egypt, the Middle East and Antarctica.

The parcels were packed near Trentham Military Camp today by a busy production line of `elves’ including senior defence personnel, staff from the RNZRSA’s National Office and volunteers from the New Zealand Defence Force.  

Christmas boxes were filled with treats and Kiwi classics donated by the wonderful team from Pams, and a few extra goodies purchased by the RNZRSA. Each box also contained a poppy and a card handmade by students from Mt Cook and Silverstream Primary Schools in Wellington, to let those serving overseas know the country’s thoughts are with them.  

The Deputy Chief of Navy, Commodore Andrew Brown, who helped to pack the boxes said that what might seem like a small token, can make a big difference to someone away from home at Christmas.  

“It’s never easy being away from your family while on a deployment, but it’s even harder over the festive season when families traditionally come together. The NZDF are very grateful to the RNZRSA for the packages which bring a little bit of joy to our personnel at what can be a challenging time.”  

RNZRSA National President, Sir Wayne Shelford said the RNZRSA are proud to continue to support NZDF personnel around the world.  

“For over 107 years the RSA has been here to support our military personnel. It’s a real pleasure to be able to send these packages to those who are serving overseas at Christmas time, to thank them for the sacrifice they are making, and to brighten their day a little.

“We are committed to continuing our support to New Zealand’s veterans of military service, including the more than 60,000 that have served since 1990.”


The RSA is incredibly grateful for the generosity of Pams New Zealand. Pams donate the majority of goodies inside the parcels, and this year included items such as crackers, tinned salmon, microwave popcorn, party mix lollies, roasted and salted deluxe nut mix, packets of biscuits and much more. The RSA tops the parcels up with a jar of Marmite to make sure our troops have that taste of New Zealand at Christmas.