Election 2023 – NZNO wants health funding commitment from all political parties


Source: New Zealand Nurses Organisation

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) says it wants to see every political party commit to funding the health system according to need but at least according to the consumer price index (CPI) as a baseline for every year in which they are in government.
NZNO Kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku said NZNO members had genuine fears that health services would be cut, meaning fewer resources for the already stretched health workforce.
“The major parties are all talking about cuts in one form or another and now the books have been opened the worry is that parties will begin to walk their policies backwards to a more fiscally conservative position.
“Of course health needs much more than just the CPI invested each year, but not investing according to the CPI as a minimum baseline is actually allowing the health system to go backwards and become even less able to provide the quality care the people of Aotearoa New Zealand are entitled to. That would be a tragedy considering how hard it is currently for that quality care to be given.
“We call on all political parties to have the courage to make that commitment publicly right now, and to stick to it should they find themselves in government.”


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