Safe speed limits near schools – share your views


Source: Auckland Council

Katoa, Ka Ora is a new draft speed management plan for Auckland. It focuses on introducing new, safe and appropriate speed limits around 358 schools in the Auckland region as well as in communities where there is support for change. Public consultation is open, and you can share your views on the proposal until 28 August.

As Auckland grows, there are more people walking, cycling, using public transport, and driving on our roads. Auckland Transports vision is that every one of them – including children, the elderly, and differently abled – is able to move about our city easily and safely in ways that contribute to their health and well-being.

Katoa, Ka Ora (Auckland’s Speed Management Plan) is another step towards achieving this vision.

In te reo Māori, Katoa means ‘everyone’. Ka ora broadly means to be alive, well and safe. Together, it means that everyone is alive and safe. It is both the name, and the vision of our plan, because everyone using our roads deserves to get home safely.

AT’s Chief Executive Dean Kimpton says AT is determined that people should not be harmed as they move around Auckland. The speed management plan is a part of achieving that.

“Aucklanders have long told us that they want their kids to feel safe getting to and from school, so this is a real focus in this plan.”

“We are listening to Aucklanders and want to hear their thoughts about speed management as it’s something that we know a lot of people are really passionate about. Make sure you have your say on this vital plan as we work to keep all Aucklanders safe no matter how they travel.”

As part of the plan development process AT has surveyed almost 200 schools and held 64 workshops involving 21 Local Boards, Mana Whenua and 170 partners, stakeholders, and community members. Listening to and understanding their aspirations and concerns around speed management has helped create the plan we are now sharing with all Aucklanders for the first time.

AT have already set safe speed limits for more than 3000 roads, or almost 40% of Auckland’s road network.  But Katoa, Ka Ora is different from speed limit work done to date because it’s under the new speed limit rule that was put in place in early 2022. You can learn more about why AT is  developing the plan on the Katoa, Ka Ora webpage.

The consultation survey is open to everyone, and we invite all Aucklanders to share their views.

Submissions are open until 28 August. People can find out more and make a submission online here. 


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