Te Puhinui land deal welcomed


Source: Auckland Council

The purchase of 7.6 hectares of land as part of a regeneration programme for Te Puhinui Stream has been welcomed by Manurewa Local Board chair Glenn Murphy.

Eke Panuku Development has bought the land, part of the Manukau Super Clinic site.

Murphy says the area is the only land along the stream path not publicly accessible, and it will become part of the Puhinui Stream corridor programme.

“This is a game­ changer, a chance to reinvest in what has become a largely urbanised catchment that flows into the Manukau,” he says.

“Eke Panuku has worked hard to guarantee restorative work as we clean up our streams, a priority for the board, mana whenua and the community.

Over time, the land will form part of a three-kilometre connection along the Puhinui from Botanic Gardens to Hayman Park in Manukau.

Manurewa-Papakura ward Councillor Daniel Newman says the move will be welcomed by Waiohua iwi as part of the environmental programme *Te Aka Raataa, itself part of Te Whakaoranga o te Puhinui, a wider plan.

“Te Aka Raataa will bring wetland development, with community feedback already informing design plans.”

Te Akitai Waiohua chair Karen Wilson says the deal is step towards what Te Waiohua has long envisaged, returning the land as a wetland and ngahere.

“It will help realise the intent of Te Whakaoranga, to return ora to the people and places of Te Puhinui.”

Eke Panuku priority location director Richard Davison says the deal will deliver more open space and a cycle and walking route to Manukau from the Gardens.

“And because this site is flood-prone, the focus will be on water-sensitive design to ensure it improves the health of the stream and supports residents during adverse weather.”

The Puhinui runs through the southern edge of the site, home to two areas of regenerating native bush planted by volunteers more than 10 years ago, which will be enhanced in the new park.

  • Waiohua iwi gifted the Te Aka Raataa name to acknowledge the landscape and white raataa vines that grew around the site. The vision is for a new climate resilient park through naturalising the stream to create native habitat.

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