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Source: Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce

Last night, The Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce released its election year ‘Business Expectations of Government’ report, which outlines what businesses would like to see prioritised by the next government.
15 local MPs and candidates, and over 100 businesses took the opportunity to engage directly on the key issues highlighted in the report which included eight key recommendations that will enable business innovation, productivity and growth.
What Canterbury business asked for from the next Government:
1. Fit-for-purpose workforce settings
2. A skilled workforce, now and in the future
3. Regulatory certainty and reduced compliance costs
4. Investment in infrastructure
5. Driving innovation, sustainability, and resilience
6. Support for small business
7. Action on crime and anti-social behaviour
8. Recognition of the critical role Canterbury plays in the national economy.
Chief Executive Leeann Watson says “the event was well-attended because businesses in Canterbury remain concerned about short-and long-term issues facing their own operations and the wider economy.”
“Right now, businesses are facing challenging economic realities and are operating in an inflationary environment all while dealing with ongoing uncertainty and increased costs around regulation and compliance, and continued challenges accessing staff.
“They are very keen to ensure the next Government, whoever that might be, has a plan to address their concerns and is willing to take a longer-term view, which we hope our expectations document will encourage. They also want to be part of shaping the future so that their businesses, their people and the communities they operate in thrive.
“Government plays a key role in removing barriers to productivity and economic growth, and in creating and maintaining an environment which enables the opportunities that will foster the success of our economy and communities now, and into the future.
“The report also has a focus on Canterbury-specific opportunities and makes our case for being New Zealand’s hub for technology and innovation, and as a great testing ground for future infrastructure projects.”
The Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce will continue to advocate for businesses in the region and will be very active in doing so as it gets closer to the election. The full ‘Business Expectations of Government’ report is attached and available on