Employment News – Pak’nSave Royal Oak workers to stage lunchtime picket over low wages and understaffing


Source: First Union

What: FIRST Union members from Pak’n’Save Royal Oak in Auckland will stage a lunchtime picket, seeking community support for better wages and conditions in their local supermarket
When: Saturday 1 July, 12:00-13:30
Where: Pak’n’Save Royal Oak, 691 Manukau Road, Royal Oak, Auckland 1023
“These workers are frustrated and have decided to picket during their lunch hour after being in bargaining with the owners for six weeks already, with their offers below the rate of inflation, below the living wage, and below the standard for supermarket workers,” said Elle Sun-Min Park, FIRST Union Organiser.
“They’re short-staffed and overstretched in the weekend, and many long-serving workers having to work both weekend days on a permanent basis for years, which means time away from their families and their leisure.”
“Our members are determined to improve their pay to keep up with a rising cost of living and achieve a safer staffing level in the store.”


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