Parliament Hansard Report – Thursday, 29 June 2023 – Volume 769 – 001160


Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Hon GRANT ROBERTSON (Leader of the House): Today the House will adjourn until Tuesday, 18 July. Legislation to be considered in that week will include the second readings of theNatural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill, and the further stages of the Business Payment Practices Bill, the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill, the Fuel Industry Amendment Bill, and the Therapeutic Products Bill.

Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE (National): I thank the Leader of the House for that update and wish all members a relaxing, if busy, two-week recess before the final push. Can the Minister confirm that the business of the House in the first week back will also include a debate on the question of privilege related to time taken by the Minister of Education to correct a misleading statement? Can I note that in the end of that first week back, the Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary Bill will celebrate its seventh anniversary, having been reported back from the select committee, and would he agree that the best way to mark that milestone would be with a second reading?

Hon GRANT ROBERTSON (Leader of the House): In answer to the first part of the question, yes, I can confirm that that report on that debate will occur in accordance with the Standing Orders. In answer to the second part of the member’s question, I’ll consider what the best way is to commemorate that moment. It may well need to involve alcohol.


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