Contract awarded for upgrade of SH1 in Mid Canterbury’s Tinwald


Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

The construction contract for the SH1 Tinwald Corridor Improvements project, on the south side of Ashburton, has been awarded to Fulton Hogan.

The Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency project is included in the rural intersection upgrades as part of the Canterbury package funded through the Government’s NZ Upgrade Programme (NZUP).

Traffic signals will be installed at the SH1/Lagmhor Road/Agnes Street intersection to help to create more regular gaps in the traffic and improve safety for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists, says Waka Kotahi Director of Regional Relationships, James Caygill.

“The aim of the project is to make it safer and easier for people in Tinwald to cross between east and west residential areas and to visit local businesses.”

“The improvements will also make getting on and off SH1 easier at peak travel times,” he says.

The SH1 Tinwald Corridor Improvements is one of 20 major projects Waka Kotahi is delivering for the Government’s NZUP programme.

It is the third and last project included in the rural intersection NZUP package in Canterbury to get underway.

The project is expected to take around 10 months to complete, with work starting in the coming month.

SH1 Tinwald Corridor Improvements(external link)


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