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Source: Green Party

The Green Party is today welcoming the increase in paid parental leave payments, but is urging the Government to continue supporting families when leave ends.

“We need to make sure our tamariki have the best possible start in life, and are supported to grow and thrive. With rising food prices, high childcare costs and less secure jobs, many parents are struggling to pay for things like warm clothes and food. Our Income Guarantee would make sure every child gets the support they need,” says Greens Co-leader Marama Davidson.

“Every family could be lifted out of poverty by implementing our Income Guarantee. This is a commitment to every single person in Aotearoa that no matter what, your income will never fall below $385 per week, after tax. For couples, our Income Guarantee will be at least $770, and a single parent will always have an income of at least $735.

“It will also mean that most people in paid employment will have extra money in their pockets to cover the basics by making the first $10k tax free.

“Parents or caregivers’ income would be topped-up by $215 every week for the first child, and $135 a week for every other child. Plus, an additional universal top-up of $140 a week for every child under three.

“Making these bold changes would ensure that every single family in Aotearoa has enough to ensure their tamariki are happy and healthy.

“Everything we need to make life better for people in Aotearoa is right here. The time is now to lift every single family out of poverty and to pay for it with a fair tax system,” says Marama Davidson.