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Source: PSA

The PSA is celebrating the decision by the Rotorua District Council to pull back on parts of its restructuring plans saving six jobs and valuable services in the process.
“We are very pleased the council has listened to our members and the people of Rotorua, and let common sense prevail,” said Kirstin Miller, Local Organiser for the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi.
Among various proposals to reduce rates increases, the council was proposing to axe four jobs in the museum education services programme, one job in the waste minimisation area and one job in a research area.
“We are happy that our members can now get on with their lives and continue doing the jobs they love serving the community without this threat hanging over them.
“It’s great the council listened to reason and pulled back from plans to axe museum education services which have been helping more than 6000 local school children every year learn about the region’s rich history and culture.”
The programme provides access to the Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa/Rotorua Museum collections of over 45,000 items.
“It’s also pleasing the council is retaining the job under threat in the waste minimisation area. This was an important role helping the public understand the importance of reducing waste going to the landfill and educating the public about the upcoming kerbside organic waste collection programme.
“This is good day for our members and Rotorua locals. We hope the council doesn’t continue on a path of cutting jobs and services,” said Kirstin Miller.