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Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Hon KIERAN McANULTY (Deputy Leader of the House): Today, the House will adjourn until Tuesday, 20 June. In that week, legislation to be considered will include the first readings of the Emergency Management Bill, the Ngāti Hei Claims Settlement Bill, and the Ngāti Paoa Claims Settlement Bill; the committee stages of the Business Payment Practices Bill, the Charities Amendment Bill, the Deposit Takers Bill, the Fuel Industry Amendment Bill, and the Worker Protection (Migrant and Other Employees) Bill; and the remaining stages of the Grocery Industry Competition Bill.

Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE (National): I thank the acting leader of the House for that update. I’m sure he’ll agree that, given the way select committees and report-backs are going, it’s going to be an extremely busy July and August, in the lead up to the adjournment of this Parliament. While I know it’s the Business Committee’s prerogative, can I encourage the acting leader to ensure that where there are plans for urgency and extended sittings that they are signalled well in advance in order that they can be planned for?

Hon KIERAN McANULTY (Deputy Leader of the House): Yes, the member is well within his rights to encourage me to do that, but we will, as we always do, wherever possible, give as much notice as possible.