Kia ora koutou
Below is some information about current census activity.
For local media – if you have not already, you may like to inform your readers about the close of census date, and that census forms will be accepted up to and including 30 June – see information below.
We will also continue to publish the 2023 Census Tally on the census website daily through to 30 June. As of 9.00am this morning, 4,538,397 people had returned an Individual Form in the 2023 Census.
Ngā mihi nui
Census Communications
2023 Census media advisory
2023 Census operations update
This document provides background briefing material for media to inform reporting on the 2023 Census.
Census operations
- As of 1 June, census collectors concluded their work across Aotearoa New Zealand:
- In most places in the country, census collectors finished door-to-door collections on 3 May.
- Census collections were extended in areas impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle, finishing on 1 June in Te Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay regions.
- Field activity for Te Mana Whakatipu (iwi-led collections) also finished on 1 June. Iwi-led collections were piloted in the 2023 Census in three locations – Far North (with Ōpua iwi collective), Gisborne (with Toitū Tairāwhiti iwi collective), and with Te Whānau ā Apanui in their rohe.
· Mainstream census advertising has finished.
· There will be a few final targeted census support events, most closed events coordinated by community organisations at which Stats NZ community engagement teams will help people complete their census forms.
· Community collaborations will continue in Auckland through June, with some local advertising support. See below for more information.
Partner activities in Auckland in June
- Two partners will deliver services and promotions to support a lift in the response rate in Auckland up to 30 June:
- Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency – Te Pae Herenga o Tāmaki will deliver a programme of activities to increase Māori completion rates from non-responding and partially responding households in Auckland. This will include encouraging whānau to complete their census forms either online or in person, through a range of communications, social media, community events, call centre communication, and in-person door-to-door visits. This activity will continue to 30 June.
- South Seas Healthcare Trust – The Trust, alongside its network of partners through Le Afio’aga o Aotearoa, has activated a community mobilisation approach to support Pacific families to complete census forms. The opportunity to work as a village network, through an innovative event such as a 4-day telethon, mini community outreach events, and an 0800 support line, will harness the relationships and connections of the community in South Auckland.
Close of census
- The 2023 Census closes at 5.00pm, 30 June 2023:
· People can complete their census forms online at until 5.00pm, 30 June.
· Paper census forms will need to be mailed to arrive with Stats NZ by 30 June to be counted.
· A new online access code or paper forms can be ordered from the website or by calling the 080 CENSUS (0800 236 787) helpline.
Post-enumeration Survey
· The Post-enumeration Survey is a household survey (sample size 16,000 or 1% of households) that is run independent of the census to review and evaluate the census count and coverage. This year it is being staggered:
o most of New Zealand (apart from Auckland region) from June to mid-August
o Auckland region from July to mid-September.
Close of census announcements
· We are planning a close of census announcement in the last week of June.
· We will also coordinate in-depth interviews with the Government Statistician in early July. If you would like to interview Mark Sowden then, on the 2023 Census and beyond, please email