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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

A short section of Truman Lane will re-open to two lanes and access from the SH29A roundabout will be restored from early morning on Thursday 8 June, weather dependent. Two lanes will initially be available during daytime hours only, with around-the-clock access expected to be restored from Saturday 10 June.

Jo Wilton, Waka Kotahi Regional Manager Infrastructure Delivery, would like to thank road users, businesses and residents for their ongoing tolerance. 

“We greatly appreciate your patience as we continue to work towards completion of the Bay Link project later this year,” says Ms Wilton. 

“Since the works on Truman Lane commenced in late December 2022, crews have been busy removing the old road, excavating beneath it and rebuilding the layers to ensure the new road is constructed on a strong foundation, installing drainage, placing asphalt, pouring new kerbs and central traffic islands, and installing new streetlights. 

“Works at the Truman Lane end of the Bay Link project, like on many other projects across the country, have been delayed due to the unusual periods of wet weather encountered over the summer and autumn months. Especially during May, multiple heavy downpours prevented us from completing the required asphalting on Truman Lane,” Ms Wilton says. 

A staged traffic switch is required to restore one lane in each direction and provide access to Truman Lane from the SH29A roundabout.

Once the two lanes reopen and access from the SH29A roundabout is restored, construction will continue on parts of SH29A and Truman Lane, including in the middle of the road. 

“I’d like to remind drivers that the detour via Sandhurst interchange, Mangatawa Link Road and Truman Lane for people travelling from Pāpāmoa/Tauranga Eastern Link (TEL) towards SH29A/Maungatapu will also remain in place while work continues on the final ramp at SH2/29A Te Maunga interchange.” 

In mid-winter, the remaining ramp of SH2/29A Te Maunga interchange is scheduled to open to traffic. This will remove the need for the Truman Lane diversion currently in place and will further reduce traffic volumes along Truman Lane.  

“Unfortunately, once again, works required to get this ramp completed have been delayed due to the wet weather. 

“We are excited about the completion of this project at the end of 2023. The project is being completed at a time of significant change and population growth across the region and a shift in focus on transport modes. The project’s objective is to upgrade the transport system making it safer and more resilient for people living, visiting and travelling through the area – connecting our growing communities and contributing to a safer transport network for Tauranga and the western Bay of Plenty.” 

From Saturday 10 June, the following changes will apply 

Truman Lane

  • Access via SH29A roundabout restored. 
  • SH2/Mount Maunganui/city centre traffic: Truman Lane will be accessible via the new SH2 Bayfair flyover, SH2/29A Te Maunga interchange and the SH29A roundabout. 
  • SH29A/Maungatapu traffic: Truman Lane will be accessible via the SH29A roundabout.

SH29A from SH2/TEL/Pāpāmoa

  • No change for drivers travelling from Pāpāmoa/TEL to SH29A. Truman Lane (via Sandhurst interchange and Mangatawa Link Road) remains the detour route for road users travelling from Pāpāmoa/TEL to SH29A while the final off ramp approaching Te Maunga interchange from Pāpāmoa is under construction.

Traffic switch road closures 

Overnight on Thursday 8 June and Friday 9 June (between 7pm and 6am, nights only) access to Truman Lane from the SH29A roundabout will be closed and the existing detour for eastbound road users, via SH2/SH29A Te Maunga interchange, SH2/TEL and Sandhurst interchange, will apply to allow for completion of the traffic switch. From 6am on Saturday 10 June, one lane in each direction on Truman Lane and access to Truman Lane from the SH29A roundabout will be fully restored. 

The existing 50km/h speed limit will remain in place on Truman Lane except on all approaches to the SH29A roundabout where a temporary 30km/h speed limit will apply. A work zone will remain in the middle of Truman Lane, adjacent to the SH29A roundabout, to enable finishing works on the central traffic island. 

If the traffic switch is delayed because of weather or other unforeseen issues, it will be carried out on the next suitable night/s. 

Changes for people walking and cycling  

Access for walking and cycling remains limited during this phase, however people can continue to cross SH2 and access Baypark via a signalised crossing over the interchange and a temporary marked route towards Truman Lane. From Wednesday 7 June, the signposted route will proceed along the newly constructed footpath on the western side of Truman Lane adjacent to Baypark and cross Truman Lane via a newly constructed central island close to the SH29A roundabout. People are asked not to cross Truman Lane outside Bay of Plenty House Removals as the former footpath on the eastern side will be closed. 

New layout on SH2/29A Te Maunga interchange 

Both lanes approaching SH2/SH29A Te Maunga interchange from Exeter Street and the flyover now proceed straight onto SH2/TEL, while the right lane also provide for a right turn towards SH29A. This is a temporary reconfiguration while all road users bound for SH2 or SH29A are travelling through SH2/SH29A Te Maunga interchange.

Road users are asked to take care while they adjust to the new road layout and comply with the temporary speed limits, share the road safely with trucks and oversized vehicles, and be aware of vehicle movements in and out of Truman Lane businesses.  

Road closure at Bayfair roundabout to rebuild local road 

A small section of Maunganui Road, between the Bayfair roundabout and Exeter Street, is temporarily closing for reconstruction of the ground level road as part of the Bay Link project. From early morning Wednesday 7 June 2023 this section of road will be closed until early spring and a detour for people travelling locally will be in place. The new Bayfair flyover won’t be impacted by this closure and continue to provide for most traffic travelling on SH2. 

Bay Link detour information

Waka Kotahi thanks drivers, local residents and businesses for their patience.    

Detour for SH2/TEL/Pāpāmoa to SH29A remains in place.