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Source: NZ Rotuman Collective

07th to 14th May 2023 – Vetḁkia ‘os Fäega ma Ag fak hanua – Sustaining our Language and Culture

For a more a detailed programme and information – please see below and visit   &

This coming week Rotuman people and our Communities in Aotearoa celebrate RotumanLanguage Week 2023.

The week-long Community-led event by The NZ Rotuman Collective, will showcase the unique and beautiful language and culture of people who originate from the idyllic Pacific Island of Rotuma.

“Each day of the week has been allocated a different theme”, Chairperson Rachael Mario said, “With the Elders, Youth, Children, Community and Religious leaders hosting their days.”  

And as well as Language and Culture, the Rotuman Language Collective also focuses on key social justice areas that Communities need more awareness on, including :

  • Te Tirirty o Waitangi presentation (on Monday 08th May) 
  • Dawn Raids & Pasifika People’s advocacy for social justice (on Tuesday 09 May) 
  • Health & Well-Being with Hula Fit exercise (on Wednesday 10 May) 
  • Seniors lunch and storytelling (on Wednesday 10 May) 
  • Home Ownership workshop (on Wednesday 10 May) 
  • Art Classes for Wellness (on Thursday 11 May)  
  • Serving our Communities by continuing weekly distribution of food parcels (on Friday 12 May) 
  • Education Hub launch (on Friday 12 May) 
  • Mother’s Day acknowledging mothers and family (on Sunday 14 May).

“It is extremely important for our migrant communities to connect with Maori as people of this land, and be aware of colonisation and displacement.  This will also help Rotuman people understand our own colonisation by the British and Fiji”, Ms Mario said.

The Language Week will commence tomorrow Sunday 07th May with a blessing and Church Service, led by the members of the Kingsland Rotuman Methodist Congregation, where the Group’s origins began over 30 years ago.

This Kiwi-led initiative was started in 2018 by the Auckland Rotuman Fellowship Group Incorporated (ARFGI), and has now grown to include many groups throughout the world.

The feature event will be on Rotuma Day, including the Rotuman Showcase with a traditional dance and fashion show.

And followed by Community Engagement with Chief Guest Hon. Teanau Tuiono, NZ Member of Parliament & Green Party Spokesperson for Pacific Peoples.

This year is also the continuation of the United Nations International Decade of Indigenous Languages, making this Language Week even more important.

The theme for this year’s Language Week is : Vetḁkia ‘os Fäega ma Ag fak hanua (Sustaining our Language and Culture).  

Rotuman people are a separate ethnic group with their own distinct Polynesian language, culture, and identity. Rotuma is described as an ‘untouched paradise’ with some of the world’s most pristine and beautiful beaches.

“Language is what makes us who we are, and is part of our culture and identity”, Ms Mario said. “And it is our duty to preserve this invaluable taonga”.

The Group hopes the week’s activities will help bring people together, and showcase Rotuman culture. “We invite everyone to come and join us, and celebrate being Rotuman”, Ms Mario added.

“It has not been easy for our community to keep our language alive in Aotearoa”, Ms Mario said, “We pay tribute to our elders and leaders, who for the last 40 years, have continued to celebrate our culture in New Zealand, and for helping keep our customs and traditions relevant”.

Rotuma consists of the island of Rotuma and its nearby islets, and is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, about 500 kms north of Fiji, and 500 kms west of Wallis & Futuna.  Rotuma was annexed by the British on 13 May 1881 (‘Rotuma Day’).  Although Rotuma is its own nation, it is currently administered by Fiji as a dependency.

The Rotuman language is listed on the UNESCO List of Endangered Languages as “Definitely Endangered”.