Recommended Sponsor - Buy Original Artwork Directly from the Artist

Source: Auckland Council

Got a great business idea and just need some funding to help get started? Individuals or groups with no formal legal structure in New Zealand, can apply under an ‘umbrella organisation’. 

For more information, please refer to the Guidelines here. Click here to access a map of the board area.

Types of expenses covered by the Fund

Funding of up to $2000 can be sought for:

  • tools or equipment
  • money for training or conference attendance
  • money for marketing, research, or consulting expenses
  • seed money for start-ups
  • sustainability projects
  • assistance for companies affected by recent catastrophic weather events
  • or submit an unspecified proposal for consideration in the direction of economic development.

Funding process

To apply for funding, go online here. Applications close at 8pm, Friday 30 June. After the fund closes, a panel will review applications, and those successful will be contacted, and payments processed.

For more information or help to apply email or phone 09 301 0101.