Source: PSA
National’s attack on public service communications workers today is just the latest salvo in its campaign to undermine confidence in the public service.
“Once again National has trotted out the mantra of a ‘bloated bureaucracy’ which simply points to its agenda to slash numbers of public service workers and services should it form a government after the election,” said Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi National Secretary Kerry Davies.
“As the Public Service Commission rightly points out, most of these workers are doing valuable work keeping the public informed about changes to laws and regulations, or their rights and entitlements and other vital information to help their daily lives.
“In this digital age, it is more important than ever that the Government provides timely information directly to the public through various channels.
“Just consider how much information needed to be communicated to help us get through the pandemic – that wasn’t done through press releases alone.
“National seems to think we are still in the age where the Government just posts a letter to a person should they need information about a law change. This is 2023 not 1973 National.
“Attacks like this damage the morale of workers who do good work every day for New Zealanders. It’s insulting and disrespectful.
“As we have consistently told National New Zealand’s public service is one of the most trusted and efficient in the world, and of a comparable size to the UK and Australia.
“But these repeated attacks are simply a reminder that National’s real agenda is to axe workers and the valuable services New Zealanders rely on.”