New Living Wage rate a celebration for workers and their communities – E tū


Source: Etu Union

E tū is celebrating the announcement of the new Living Wage rate and the positive difference that it will make to workers’ lives and to those of their whānau.

On Monday, the new Living Wage rate of $26 was announced for 2023/24, which represents an increase of almost 10% on the previous rate after its five-yearly review.

The rate change will take effect from 1 September.

Auckland City Council cleaner and E tū member Menbere Woldemeske says she is so excited to hear the news.

“This is going to help my family a lot to pay the rent, electricity, and grocery shopping, as the cost of living is so high now.  

“It also means I can help my community and the church that have always been supporting us. Then, send some money home to support my elderly parents.”

Annie Newman, an E tū Assistant National Secretary, says the new Living Wage rate is a much-needed step forward for workers and their families, particularly with the current cost of living.

“This current rate increase means low-paid workers will be more able to live with dignity and participate in their communities, without having to work constantly to make ends meet.

“We also know that when workers are not living in financially precarious situations all the time, they are more able to support their children and their families as they can spend time with them and can better afford what they need to live and be active in society.

“The Living Wage is not just about lifting individual workers out of poverty. It’s about lifting the wellbeing of entire communities.”


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