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Source: Auckland Council

Friends of Kurt Brehmer Walkway, a local conservation group, is an example of achieving positive outcomes through protecting and restoring native wildlife and plants.

Named after the conservationist Kurt Brehmer, the group clears weeds, replants local bush with natives and cares for the environment through continuous volunteering. Currently, they are working hard to care for a patch of local bush on the Rosebank Peninsula, both for the good of the neighbours and for native birds to nest.

“We’re getting rid of weeds in the bush, including Arundo donax, moth plant and Madeira vine, and replanting the gaps with eco-sourced plants. The walkway will benefit everyone in the area, including workers on the Rosebank Peninsula who can take a walk during their lunch break,” says coordinator Robin Brehmer.

Robin has a personal connection with the group. She is Kurt Brehmer’s daughter. A keen tramper and lover of the outdoors, Robin has been volunteering at the walkway since its opening 20 years ago, and says it is a wonderful way of contributing and being part of the community. 

Avondale is undergoing large-scale urban development, so getting into nature is even more important, says Robin.

“Many people don’t have backyards anymore, but they still need to go out there and see a bit of green for their mental and physical health. The walkway is a wonderful asset for Avondale, running alongside the Whau River. “

“The bush strip along the walkway is also a vital link in the Whau Wildlink for the birds to pass through,” says Robin.

The group is a part of Whau Wildlink, an initiative funded by the Whau Local Board. Whau Wildlink connects and nurtures a network of local groups working together for positive environmental outcomes in Whau.

“Local groups do valuable work in contributing to the greater vision of the North-West Wildlink, a green corridor between the pest-free sanctuaries in the Hauraki Gulf in the North, and the Waitākere Ranges in the West,” says Local Board Chairperson Kay Thomas.

“By connecting and supporting local groups we are doing our bit to preserve native habitat and local wildlife that we can enjoy today and the future,” she says.

Get involved

Friends of Kurt Brehmer Walkway meets weekly at 9am on Thursday mornings and welcomes anyone keen to be in the outdoors or contribute to the community, meet new people and do a bit for climate change. If you’re interested, contact Robin at

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