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Source: The New Zealand Remembrance Army – Te Taua Manaaki o Ngā Morehu

On Saturday 22 April, the New Zealand Remembrance Army – Te Taua Manaaki o Ngā Morehu (NZRA) volunteers are on a mission to clean memorials to past service men and women in time for ANZAC Day.

“These past service men and women paraded at local ANZAC day services presented in their best uniforms and attire. As a mark of respect, this ANZAC Day we’re striving to have their final resting places looking their best,” says Simon Strombom, Managing Director of the NZRA.

Across the country teams of local volunteers and NZRA supervisors are carrying out basic cleaning in selected cemeteries across New Zealand.

It’s estimated 200 to 400 volunteers will be taking part are taking part, in regions including Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Taranaki, Hawkes Bay, and Dunedin.

“The cleaning of service graves brings communities together in advance of ANZAC Day and reconnects people each other to a shared history. Our initiative is appeals to those who want to roll up their sleeves and do something practical to pay their respects,” says Simon.

“From last years’ clean-up effort, we estimate over a thousand headstones were cleaned in one day. A year on, some of those will need attention again – and there’s always plenty more being found,” says Simon.

The NZRA estimates that there is over 350,000 service graves in New Zealand, spanning every conflict ranging South Africa through to more recent times with Korea, Malaya, Vietnam, and Afghanistan.

There are some great people and organisations behind this project to thank, including the volunteers who are freely giving up their time to do the work in cemeteries around Aotearoa, New Zealand.

“And finally none of this is possible without the sponsorship and support of some great organisations, including AMP, Bunnings, Resene, Bio Shield and Topfilte,” said Simon.