Local voices see Clevedon road changes


Source: Auckland Council

Changes to a difficult Clevedon intersection are being undertaken by Auckland Transport in response to community feedback.

Franklin Local Board chair Angela Fulljames says AT should be commended for responding to local concerns, especially given issues around safety at the Creightons Road / Tourist Road and Papakura-Clevedon Road intersection.

AT had implemented road-marking and signage changes at the site, but returned to meet locals after board feedback. 

“People are quick to criticise AT but its willingness to act in response to community concerns shouldn’t be overlooked.

“The need for change was made more urgent when the intersection got busier because a road closure at Monument Road after the flooding and cyclone added to traffic at the corner.”

With Monument Road reopened with traffic lights, AT will reinstate and reposition the Tourist Road ‘stop’ to ensure the intersection has more familiar controls, trim hedges on several corners to improve visibility, and take local driving patterns into consideration.

Other work will see a hatched island reshaped, and a ‘give way’ lane realigned to ensure through traffic into Creightons Road has right-of-way and a clear path in front of stopping traffic on Tourist Road.

Auckland Transport will also evaluate the changes to ensure the intersection is working as anticipated.

“The changes will be a short-term measure to address safety concerns raised by road users,” board transport lead member Amanda Hopkins says.

“A long-term solution will be subject to funding and priority challenges. It will require major physical works and possibly land acquisition, meaning it is several years away, but it will be one of the sites the board keeps a focus on.”

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