Environment – Consent granted for Botanic Riverhead development


Source: Environmental Protection Authority

29 March 2023 – An independent fast-track consenting panel has granted resource consent to build the Botanic Riverhead retirement village at Riverhead, West Auckland.
The resource consent is for the construction of approximately 422 residential units in a mix of two- and three-bedroom single-level villa and terrace house units, and apartment buildings. The development will also contain a 90-bed care building, a childcare centre, and a café.
The application was made under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020.
The resource consent conditions include limiting the main building height to four storeys, and three storeys for the other buildings. Construction is also required to be undertaken in staged sequences, and shelterbelts around the property are to be retained until the relevant stage of the development begins.
The decision comes 160 working days after the application was lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). This includes a period of 49 days where the application processing was suspended at the request of the applicant.
The EPA is not involved in the decision-making – we provide advice and administrative support for the panel convener, Judge Laurie Newhook, and the expert consenting panels he appoints.


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