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Source: Green Party

The Green Party backs the demands of the teachers’ strikers.

“The wellbeing of our teachers is the wellbeing of our tamariki. The Green Party is calling on the Government to prioritise our teachers and address the many issues the sector faces” says Green Party’s education spokesperson, Teanau Tuiono.

“Teachers make such a difference to children’s lives. They make a huge contribution to our communities, and they are valued by so many families across Aotearoa.

“However, while they may be valued by many of us, they have not been valued by the Government. The work is often demanding and underpaid.

“Today’s strike is necessary because previous offers from the Government have not been enough.

“The Government needs to come to the table and ensure teacher pay keeps pace with the rising cost of putting food on the table, paying the rent, and keeping the house warm.

“But, it’s important to remember that this is not just about pay. There are serious issues around funding and understaffing, ratios and sick leave.

“The Greens would ensure that every teacher is valued so that every child in Aotearoa can reach their full potential with a high-quality, accessible public education. With more Green MPs and Green Ministers, we can make this happen,” says Teanau Tuiono.