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Source: Whitireia and WelTec | Te Pūkenga and Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa

Building on a relationship of over 10 years, Whitireia and WelTec | Te Pūkenga and Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa have reaffirmed their partnership by renewing a memorandum of understanding between the two organisations.

“This establishes the framework to work closely together to support ākonga (students) gain qualifications and transition into work. It reinforces our commitment to continue with the partnership through the Te Pūkenga transition,” says Whitireia and WelTec Manahautū, Executive Director, Mark Oldershaw.

“We are committed to ensuring the best outcomes possible for our young people. Working with our local provider of training and education is key to making this happen,” says Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa Te Tumu Whakarae – Chief Executive Officer, Wirangi Luke. “It is fantastic to reaffirm our commitment to Whitireia and WelTec | Te Pūkenga which enables these better outcomes.”

“Partnering with Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa is essential to us offering relevant, fit-for-purpose vocational education to provide for the training and employment needs of the Wellington region,” says Mr Oldershaw.

“The more we work successfully with local organisations and communities, the better we will be able to respond to what is required in terms of skills development and work readiness. These local relationships are fundamental to successful delivery of vocational education,” says Mr Oldershaw.

Working out of the Petone campus, Te Āti Awa model of support – Tamaiti Whāngai – provides ākonga Māori with mentoring, pastoral, cultural and academic support.

The organisations also partner to provide students with on-site experiences as part of their training. Currently, trades students are helping Te Āti Awa extend their hauora services with new buildings in Waiwhetū.

“Our close partnership with Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa means that the impact of our support is strengthened – we work together to care for our ākonga and communities,” says Mr Oldershaw.