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Source: Climate Change Commission

He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission will soon be consulting on our draft advice to Government on the second emissions reduction plan.
Consultation will open on 26 April and run through to 20 June 2023.
The second emissions budget has been set (2026-2030), but the Government needs a plan to deliver on it.
The Commission’s role is to provide independent, evidence-based advice on the direction of policy taking a systems-wide view.
The transition to a low emissions and climate resilient society brings a mix of opportunities, benefits, challenges and costs. The effects – good and bad – will be felt by all of us.
We understand that people are at the heart of policy. It’s important that our advice reflects what the people of Aotearoa New Zealand are experiencing and care about.
What will consultation look like?
We are working to provide opportunities to attend in-person and online events where we will share our draft advice and answer questions.
We will provide more detail on these events, the public release of the draft advice and other media opportunities soon.