Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Urgent repairs on SH31-Kawhia Road will see all traffic halted for 10-minute intervals tomorrow, Wednesday 22 February.
Contractors need a clear road space above an under-slip to get quick-setting concrete into a large cavity on the left-hand shoulder.
The first delivery of concrete will be at 9am and is expected to take about 10 minutes to pump in. Once this layer has dried, a second layer will be added.
“This is only a very quick short-term fix, to help prevent water getting into the crack and making the slip worse. A long-term solution is being developed,” says Waka Kotahi System Manager for Waikato, Cara Lauder.
The under-slip is 20km west of the corner of SH31 and SH39 at Tihiroa.
“We will continue to monitor the site while the long-term solution is designed and implemented,” Ms Lauder says.
“SH31 is the route in and out of Kawhia – and there are no sealed alternatives. We want to keep this road open until comprehensive repairs can be completed, providing it remains safe to do so.’’
About 800 vehicle a day use Kawhia Road and around 13 per cent are trucks.
View from below the slip looking up towards the road.
The crack on the road shoulder will be temporarily bonded with small amounts of quick-setting concrete.