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Source: Horticulture New Zealand

‘The Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne apple industry is in an unprecedented position.
‘We have a significant number of orchards that have been largely unaffected by Cyclone Gabrielle. They continue to harvest early varieties of top-quality New Zealand apples, for export and the domestic market. Orchard crews are busy harvesting, and packhouses are in full swing.
‘However, we also have growers who have lost their entire orchards. These devastated growers need urgent financial assistance from the Government. These businesses need to be able to pay permanent and seasonal staff, and start on the clean-up. They need to take immediate steps in their orchards to save trees, where they can, to ensure the future viability of their orchard. Time is critical.
‘On behalf of the sector, we also want to thank emergency services, local and central government for the support we have been receiving. We also appreciate the support flowing in from around the country.
‘The New Zealand apple and pear industry is robust and looking to the future. We have a great quality crop to provide for the 2023 season, and beyond.’
Anna Lambourne, Member Engagement, New Zealand Apples & Pears Inc