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Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Fire and Emergency New Zealand has declared a prohibited fire season for the Marlborough south zone, as of 8am today, Thursday 9 February 2023, until further notice.
The prohibited fire season in the Marlborough south zone includes all land in the Marlborough District south of the Wairau River, including all Department of Conservation land.
It excludes Ministry of Defence land at the RNZAF Base in Woodbourne.
Marlborough south zone also includes the flat land north of the Wairau River on the eastern side of State Highway 1 from Tuamarina to Rarangi.
A prohibited fire season means a total ban on outdoor fires, and all previously granted fire permits are suspended.
District Manager Grant Haywood says the hot and dry weather in south Marlborough  has significantly increased the wildfire risk.
“Any fires that do start will spread very easily and could be extremely difficult to contain,” he says.
Grant Haywood asks everyone in the Marlborough south zone to avoid any spark producing activity in dry areas during this time.
“This includes welding, grinding, ploughing, mowing and parking vehicles in long dry grass.
“There is a lot more dry material around this year and we know it only takes one spark to start a devastating wildfire.”
It’s important to know what you can and can’t do in a prohibited season, so please head to for tips and fire safety advice.