Work scheduled to begin next week to provide safer passing opportunities at Kopua, south of Gisborne


Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Work is scheduled to begin next week to provide safer opportunities for passing on State Highway 2 at Kopua, south of Gisborne.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency contractors will be onsite from Monday 23 January (weather dependent) to extend approximately 170 metres of the existing northbound slow vehicle bay.

The work is expected to take 12 weeks to complete.

The worksite is located approximately nine kilometres south of Muriwai and work will take place between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday and will be operated under stop/go signs.

Delays of around 5 – 15 minutes are expected along this route during the work, so please allow extra time for your journey.

Saturday 4 March has been reserved for a potential all-day road closure. We will communicate the details in advance if this closure is necessary.

 If there are any queries, please contact the team:

 We acknowledge the potential for delays during this work and we want to thank road users and the community for their patience and understanding.

The project aims to provide more safe places to pass slower vehicles and more places to pull off the road safely to check messages or take a break on State Highways 2 and 35 across the Tairāwhiti region.

The work is part of the Connecting Tairāwhiti – SH2/SH35 passing opportunities project(external link)


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