Home 24-7 Global effort needed to tackle urgent climate action

Global effort needed to tackle urgent climate action

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Source: MakeLemonade.nz

Ōtautahi – Climate action and sustainability can provide an opportunity for global teamwork.

No country is immune to the effects of climate change. With the threat of climate change looming, we cannot waste time being in disunity on the topics of climate change and sustainability.

While the geopolitical chessboard has never been devoid of conflicts, the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 thrust the world into a new phase of uncertainty, fuelling an energy crisis, aggravating inflationary pressures resulting in food and resource scarcity and fragmenting an already divided world.

What of New Zealand’s smooth or rocky road this year? What collateral damage will occur in the run up to our election? What shape of government will be in office in Aotearoa by year end? Will New Zealand be in recession by year end? What curve balls will climate chaos throw our way?

2023 will not be an election when climate policy and action will feature. That may not be until 2029 when local governments are unable to cope with climate damage, climate refugees are on the move, the red meat sector is no longer viable, a billion people are threatened by climate impacts on food production, water supply, wild fires, inundation, drought.

The world has so often heard the tipping point of climate change is almost here. It is becoming increasingly evident, that any geopolitical crisis will exacerbate the climate crisis and its negative effects further.

There has always been a case for prescribing to an international identity which transcends regional identities, in a way which serves geopolitical interests towards cooperation on a planetary scale towards humanity, its prosperity, inclusiveness, and sustainability.

It is high time to realise that without unanimous global consensus towards sustainability efforts, complemented by international unity and the will of every individual to forgo local interests, the hope for a united front for a better society and planet will remain a pipe-dream.

The fate of the world depends on an ability to work towards saving it, not as disconnected stakeholders, but together in unison. The planet can’t afford to wait for the next series of reminders before collective action is taken.

For New Zealand, the government has released its report on progress towards pricing agricultural emissions. This comes after public consultation on a draft plan, developed by government after considering advice from the Climate Change Commission and the He Waka Eke Noa partnership.