Source: Skillz4Life
“We live in a country surrounded by water, and we are not teaching our children the skills for life that they need to survive should they get into difficulty” FOSTER.
Currently on holiday in the Bay of Plenty Foster said “I was amongst a group of young teen/adults yesterday and asked them if they knew what the flags on the beach meant? The reply was what flags? all the while pressuring a young lady with them that couldn’t swim to get in the water.
Jackie also highlighted the fact in some states in Australia people must be licenced to drive a boat, and it is illegal to drink alcohol or consume drugs while boating, common sense laws that actually save lives, also mentioning the fact that the pilot of the boat is legally responsible for all passengers to be safe and there are fines for not wearing a life jacket.
“Our government needs to be investing in water safety skills for all children from before school ages, in return they will see lives being saved and less families being devastated every year. Its horrific and I will be doing whatever I can to assist in changing politicians thinking from it being the responsibility of the schools when they simply do not have the funding to do it”.
Manging Director