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Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2022 – information release

19 December 2022

Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2022 provides a picture of the role tourism plays in New Zealand, with information on the changing levels and impact of tourism activity. It presents information on tourism’s contribution to the New Zealand economy in terms of expenditure and employment. Results cover provisional figures for the year ended March 2022 and detailed results for 2021.

Key provisional estimates

Note: The 2022 annual estimates featured capture the impact of COVID-19 in New Zealand up to March 2022 and are expressed in nominal terms.

Key provisional estimates for the year ended March 2022:

  • total tourism expenditure was $26.5 billion, an increase of 2.7 percent ($704 million) from the previous year
  • international tourism expenditure increased 30.6 percent ($455 million) to $1.9 billion:
    • international student expenditure (studying less than 12 months) was $184 million, an increase of 135.7 percent ($106 million)
    • international tourism’s overall contribution to New Zealand’s total exports of goods and services was 2.4 percent, an increase of 0.4 percentage points
    • GST generated from international tourists totalled $209 million, an increase of $72 million
  • overseas visitor arrivals to New Zealand increased 335.3 percent to 229,370
  • domestic tourism expenditure increased 1.0 percent ($249 million) to $24.6 billion:
    • household tourism expenditure decreased 1.7 percent ($344 million)
    • business and government increased 14.2 percent ($593 million)
  • tourism generated a direct contribution to GDP of $10.0 billion, or 3.0 percent of GDP, an increase of 1.3 percent ($132 million)
  • the indirect value added of industries supporting tourism generated an additional $6.6 billion, or 2.0 percent of GDP
  • the number of people attributed to being directly employed in tourism was 145,032 – an increase of 2.6 percent (3,615 people)
    • the number of tourism employees was 125,622 – an increase of 3.2 percent (3,888)
    • the number of tourism working proprietors was 19,413 – a decrease of 1.4 percent (267)
    • as a share of the total number of people employed in New Zealand, direct tourism employment was 5.2 percent.

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