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Source: Environmental Protection Authority

An independent fast-track consenting panel has granted resource consent to a mixed-use residential, retail, and commercial development in Queenstown.
QT Lakeview Developments Limited plans to construct 224 residential units, including 79 units designed for co-living and 64 parking spaces. The development includes retail and commercial spaces and associated infrastructure.
The application was granted with conditions, which are in the panel’s decision in the link below.
The decision comes 145 working days after the application was lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). This excludes the 50 working days the application was suspended at the applicant’s request to further refine the bulk and scale of the application.
The Environmental Protection Authority is not involved in the decision-making – they provide administrative support for the panel convener, Judge Laurie Newhook, and the expert consenting panels he appoints.