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Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Fire and Emergency’s new campaign, You’re Cooked, aims to help Aotearoa’s under the influence chefs make late-night food, without causing a fire or hurting themselves.
National Manager Community Readiness and Recovery Steve Turek says, “unattended cooking is the leading cause of house fires and injuries from house fires we attend. But there are many more injuries occurring from fires than those we attend – ACC data indicates the incidence of fire related injuries is 6 times higher than our own statistics. Further, around half of fire fatalities involve alcohol or drugs.”
“Using the stove under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is particularly risky. It’s easy for people to get distracted.” he says.
“We want to offer some practical and safer options that help satisfy cravings and keep cooks who are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol off the stove.”
Developed in collaboration with Chef Jamie Johnston of Everybody Eats, the You’re Cooked campaign comprises an e-book with recipes for late-night snacks that don’t involve cooking on a stove including Spiced Tom – spicy tomato on toast and Not-Fried Rice – rice in the microwave.
“To help people keep safe, this campaign delivers our fire safety messages through a unique ‘reality’ video series. Fire and Emergency invited party-goers at downtown Britomart Square on the night of an All Blacks game to try making the recipes on camera in a makeshift kitchen,” Steve Turek says.
“We hope the videos will promote discussion and steer our drunk chefs away from risky cooking behaviour.”
The campaign includes an e-book of recipes and will run on digital and social platforms to 7 January 2023.