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Source: Health Coalition Aotearoa

Health Coalition Aotearoa congratulates the Government on taking urgent action to allow Councils to pass local alcohol policies responsive to the needs of their local populations. Local Action Policies were introduced in the 2012 alcohol legislation, but lengthy and expensive litigation by alcohol retailers has prevented many local governments from passing these policies. 
The Coalition is also looking forward to supporting the future work announced which will look at a number of key elements of a comprehensive alcohol policy including; licensing structures and processes; marketing and sponsorship; pricing, and changes to ensure the law is responsive to new products and retail models. 
Health Coalition Aotearoa, alongside Māori and iwi groups have strongly emphasised the importance of any alcohol legislation giving effect to Te Tiriti and ensuring alcohol’s contribution to health inequities is eliminated. As the Government has indicated, this work is urgently needed to address the significant impact alcohol continues to have on our communities, whānau and health system.
Health Coalition Aotearoa (HCA) is an umbrella organisation for over 300 academics, public health and community leaders, and 70 NGOs working to prevent the harm caused by tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food. These three commercial products are responsible for about one third of the early deaths and disability every year within New Zealand (>370,000 healthy life-years lost annually).
HCA has four expert panels, who can provide evidence-based media commentary on interventions to prevent harm from alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy food, and how to strengthen public health infrastructure in Aotearoa.