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Source: New Zealand Government

Thank you very much for providing me the opportunity to speak here today. Congratulations on your progress at Tauhara geothermal power station and the beginning of work at Te Huka geothermal station, both key projects in decarbonising the electricity industry in Aotearoa.

I always look forward to events like these, which showcase how we’re getting the job done on our journey towards decarbonising our energy sector.

In the Taupo District, geothermal energy is the beating heart of the local economy attracting investment and providing good employment opportunities. Geothermal energy offers the opportunity to reduce our emissions cost effectively, while supporting economic development and prosperity.

We want to build on this by grasping the all the opportunities that our growing green economy will create, all the while respecting the whenua for the gifts it gives us.

And while on that subject I’d like to commend you for the initiatives you are putting in place to ensure that this project respects its environment and the land we are privileged to be standing upon right now.

The Government’s 2050 vision for energy and industry is for Aotearoa to have a highly renewable, sustainable and efficient energy system supporting a low-emissions economy.

This means that energy will be accessible, affordable, and will support the wellbeing of all New Zealanders. It also means that our energy supply will be secure, reliable and resilient, including in the face of global shocks.

Already in the last couple of months the game has changed, with the war in Ukraine and the severity of the energy crisis in Europe having massively upped investment in and accelerated the demand for clean domestic energy production overseas.

Today, the opening of this power station, here in New Zealand is evidence of our shared desire to achieve our renewable energy goals.

We all have a role to play. The Government will make sure the environment is right, with the best settings in place to drive emissions reductions while maintaining security of supply and extending access and affordability to more kiwi consumers. But we cannot do it alone.

The sector is rapidly rising to the challenge of decarbonisation – including projects like the one we are gathered in support of today. Geothermal energy offers the opportunity to reduce our emissions cost effectively, while supporting economic development and prosperity.

I particularly want to acknowledge the Tauhara Hapū Working Party – who are working toward building closer relationships with Contact. And the Wairākei Hapū Collective – who have just finalised a 15-month consultation process for the Geofuture project.

I am pleased to see industry working in partnership with local communities to make the most of the opportunities to transition toward our decarbonisation goals, because the scale of change required means we all need to pull together.

Looking forward, this Government has set targets and will be developing an Energy Strategy to help guide us to our 2050 vision.

There will be opportunities for you to provide input, and I encourage you all to get involved.

I am heartened by the mahi dedicated to helping Aotearoa design and build its low-emissions future and will continue to follow progress here at Te Huka with interest.

We know that over time, our demand for electricity will only continue to grow. Let’s be ready.