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Source: SAFE For Animals

Fiery debate was heard in parliament during the third reading of the Animal Welfare Amendment Bill, which will give effect to a ban on live export.
National MP Barbera Kuriger said the select committee process saw presentations that showed animals were looked after at the end of the live export supply chain.
ACT MP Mark Cameron called the Bill “ideological” and said the fact that cattle commonly gained weight during a voyage was a sign of good animal welfare.
Associate Minister of Agriculture Meka Whaitiri said the Government’s independent advisors on animal welfare (the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee) also asked for live exports to be banned.
“Animals are suffering in live export, and the Ministry for Primary Industries has the evidence,” said Ashton
“Post arrival reports obtained under the official information Act show animals have suffered and died after landing in the destination country. Causes of death include bacterial disease, pneumonia, rib fracture, and intestinal bleeding.”
“Furthermore, the Government’s review of the live export trade was prompted by reports from Sri Lanka that hundreds of New Zealand cattle were suffering and dying after leaving our shores.”
“The writing has been on the wall for live export for some time, which the members’ from ACT and National would be aware of had they looked for it.”
The debate was interrupted, and the third reading is expected to continue either tomorrow or next week.
Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor pointed out that the Gulf livestock 1 was the seventh livestock export ship to sink since 2009.
“This trade can’t end soon enough. This third reading will give us peace of mind that the trade will indeed end in April next year.”