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Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

Have your say

Fisheries New Zealand is consulting on proposed changes to recreational fishing rules for the Fiordland Marine Area under the Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Regulations 2013. We invite feedback from tangata whenua, stakeholders, and the public on these proposed changes.

About the proposed changes

The Fiordland Marine Guardians have proposed changes to recreational fishing rules in the Fiordland Marine Area. 

Their proposal includes:

  • Move the line that demarcates the differential daily finfish and shellfish species limits: Increase the size of the zones that have more restrictive limits from the designated Internal Waters of Fiordland (Habitat Lines) to lines that extend across the natural headland seaward entrances of each fiord
  • Change the finfish and shellfish daily species and bag limits: Change finfish and shellfish limits to encourage fishing effort on the productive outer coast zone.
  • Change the amateur rock lobster regulations: Reduce the total take of rock lobsters per fisher. Two options are proposed with a key difference the position of the line that demarcates the limits.

A summary of the changes along with the full proposal are provided in the consultation documents below.

Consultation documents

Proposed Amendments to Amateur Fishing Regulations in the Fiordland (Te Moana o Atawhenua) Marine Area – Summary Document [PDF, 787 KB]

Proposed Amendments to Amateur Fishing Regulations in the Fiordland (Te Moana o Atawhenua) Marine Area – Full Proposal [PDF, 473 KB]

Related information

Public consultation opens on proposed changes to Amateur Fishing Regulations in Fiordland – Fiordland Marine Guardians

Appendix 1: Fiordland (Te Moana o Atawhenua) fishing rules brochure [PDF, 2.3 MB]

Appendix 2: Summary of information supporting review of recreational fishing in the Fiordland Marine Area [PDF, 8.6 MB]

Appendix 3: Fiordland Amateur Charter Vessel (ACV) Workshop, 8-9 August 2019 – Meeting notes [PDF, 101 KB]

Appendix 4: Amateur Charter Fishing in Fiordland and Kaikōura: advice and recommendations from the Guardians [PDF, 587 KB]

Appendix 5: Fiordland Fishery Voluntary Code of Conduct [PDF, 381 KB]

Appendix 6: Fiordland Marine Guardians’ Engagement with Focus Group of Recreational Fishers Hui 6th and 7th March 2020 Report of outcomes [PDF, 311 KB]

Appendix 7: Survey of recreational fishers of the Fiordland Marine Area: short report [PDF, 1.4 MB]

Making your submission

Fisheries New Zealand invites you to make a submission on the proposal set out in the consultation documents, using the submission form template.

Send us your feedback by 5pm on Friday, 30 September 2022.

Submissions form [DOCX, 78 KB]

Email your completed form to

While we prefer email, you can post written submissions to:

Fiordland Review
Fisheries New Zealand
Private Bag 1926
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand.

If you require hard copies of the consultation document or any other information, email

Public meetings 

Information sessions will be held between 5.30pm and 7.30pm at the following:

  • Monday, 29 August 2022 – Ascot Park Hotel, Corner of Tay Street &, Racecourse Road, Invercargill 9810.
  • Tuesday, 30 August 2022 – Edgar Centre, 116 Portsmouth Drive, Andersons Bay, Dunedin 9012.
  • Wednesday 31 August 2022 – Gore District Memoral RSA, 12 Bowler Avenue, Gore 9710.
  • Thursday, 1 September 2022 – Cromwell and Districts Presbyterian Church, 10 Elspeth Street, Cromwell 9310.
  • Friday, 2 September 2022 – The Te Anau Club, Pop Andrew Drive, Te Anau 9600.

Related information

Fisheries Act 1996 – NZ Legislation

Recreational daily bag limits and size restrictions for finfish [PDF, 363 KB]

Recreational fishing rules

National panel survey of marine recreational fishers

Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Regulations 2013 – NZ Legislation

About the Quota Management System (QMS)

Draft National Inshore Finfish Fisheries Plan

Glossary of relevant terms

Submissions are public information

Note that all, part, or a summary of your submission may be published on this website. Most often this happens when we issue a document that reviews the submissions received.

People can also ask for copies of submissions under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA says we must make the content of submissions available unless we have good reason for withholding it. Those reasons are detailed in sections 6 and 9 of the OIA.

If you think there are grounds to withhold specific information from publication, make this clear in your submission or contact us. Reasons may include that it discloses commercially sensitive or personal information. However, any decision MPI makes to withhold details can be reviewed by the Ombudsman, who may direct us to release it.

Official Information Act 1982 – NZ Legislation