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Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

Have your say

The Forestry and wood processing industry transformation plan (ITP) is a draft for consultation. It proposes a vision and actions to transform the forestry and wood processing sector. The aim of this transformation is to maximise the value the sector generates for New Zealand.

The consultation opened on 19 August and closes on 30 September 2022.

During the consultation, we’re running a series of workshops in key regions and holding 3 online meetings to hear your views and gather feedback. This will help us develop the final version of the ITP, which is expected to be released in late 2022.

Find out about the workshops and online meetings and how to register

Consultation document

Draft ‘Forestry and wood processing industry transformation plan’ [PDF, 5.8 MB]

Related information

One-page summary of the draft ‘Forestry and wood processing industry transformation plan’ [PDF, 112 KB]

Summary of the draft industry transformation plan (2.27) – YouTube

PowerPoint presentation on the draft plan [PDF, 2.9 MB]

What’s being proposed?

The key change in the draft plan is to encourage the sector to process more logs and wood residues onshore, leading to an increase in value-added wood products and residues necessary for the growing bioeconomy.

The plan aims to:

  • help New Zealand capitalise on new technologies so that we can process the lower grades of logs, which we typically export into higher value products
  • promote new high-paid jobs in the regions, support economic growth, and produce greater amounts of woody residues
  • support New Zealand’s goals to lower emissions in construction, transport, and in sectors that rely on coal
  • support the development of biochemicals, bioplastics, and biopharmaceuticals
  • diversify our plantation forests to enable us to produce new products, find new markets, and build the sector’s resilience.

Public workshops and online meetings about the draft plan

In-person workshops will be held in 7 areas and there will be 3 online meetings. Registrations for both are open.

Regional in-person workshops

  • Balclutha: Friday 26 August, 10am to 11.30am at the Cross Recreational Centre, 18 Glasgow Street.
  • Rotorua: Wednesday 31 August, 10am to 11.30am in the Manaakitanga space, Scion head office, Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, Tītokorangi Drive (formerly Long Mile Road).
  • Napier: Thursday 8 September, 10am to 11.30am at the Hawke’s Bay Sports Fishing Club, Nelson Quay, Ahuriri.
  • Gisborne: Thursday 8 September, time and venue to be confirmed.
  • Whangārei: Monday 19 September, 10am to 11.30am at The Orchard, 35 Walton Street.
  • Christchurch: Friday 23 September, time and venue to be confirmed.
  • Nelson: Monday 26 September, 10am to 11.30am at the Jaycee Room, Founders Heritage Park, 87 Atawhai Drive, The Wood.

Online workshops

The online workshops will cover the 4 priority areas of the plan.

  • Growing sustainable forests for our future: 10.30am to 11.30am on Monday 29 August.
  • Modernising and expanding the wood processing sector: 10.30am to 11.30am on Monday 5 September.
  • Growing and diversifying domestic and export markets/Improving system settings for a thriving sector: 10.30am to 11.30am on Wednesday 14 September. 

Making your submission

Send us your submission by 5pm on Friday 30 September 2022. Our preference is for you to make a submission electronically – either by completing the online form or by email. However, we will also accept written submissions sent by post.

By completing the online submission form

By email

If you are sending us a submission by email, we encourage you to use the submission template, which has the same questions as the online form.

Submission template [DOCX, 47 KB]

When you have completed your submission, email it to

By post

If you prefer to make your submission in writing, send it to:

Forestry and wood processing industry transformation plan consultation
Sector and Bio-Economy
Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140
New Zealand.

Make sure you tell us in your submission:

  • the title of the consultation document: “Draft forestry and wood processing industry transformation plan”
  • your name and title
  • your organisation’s name (if you are submitting on behalf of an organisation, and whether your submission represents the whole organisation or a section of it)
  • your contact details (such as phone number, address, and email).

Submissions are public information

Note that all, part, or a summary of your submission may be published on this website. Most often this happens when we issue a document that reviews the submissions received.

People can also ask for copies of submissions under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). The OIA says we must make the content of submissions available unless we have good reason for withholding it. Those reasons are detailed in sections 6 and 9 of the OIA.

If you think there are grounds to withhold specific information from publication, make this clear in your submission or contact us. Reasons may include that it discloses commercially sensitive or personal information. However, any decision MPI makes to withhold details can be reviewed by the Ombudsman, who may direct us to release it.

Official Information Act 1982 – NZ Legislation