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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency says State Highway 6 Rocks Road will open to traffic in both directions this afternoon.

The road will be subject to a full closure in both directions from midday today (26 August 2022) for approximately three hours to allow contractors to put in place the traffic control measures needed to safely open the road to two-way traffic. The road will be re-opened in both directions as soon as that work is completed, and Waka Kotahi will confirm when this has been done.

For safety reasons, cyclists and pedestrians will not be able to use the road for southbound trips until further work is completed.

Drivers are urged to avoid non-essential travel in the area during this afternoon’s full closure if possible. Those needing to travel during this time should factor in delays and plan accordingly.

Waka Kotahi thanks everyone for their patience and consideration while this urgent work is completed.
