Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Waka Kotahi crews in Central Otago will be removing schist slip material next to SH8 south of the Cromwell bridge on Wednesday.
A small slip occurred earlier today (see photo below) which has been contained by the bund around the edge of the slope, says Waka Kotahi Maintenance Contract Manager Peter Standring.
“However, this material needs to be removed,” he says.
“As well as taking away the slip material from behind the bund, Aspiring Highways’ crew will be sluicing the slope around the slip and jacking out a few bigger rocks on Wednesday. Traffic will be stopped at a safe spot either side for short periods while this work is underway – on average around five minutes from 9 am through to mid-afternoon.”
Drivers are asked to build in a little extra time on SH8 near Cromwell on the Alexandra/Clyde side of the bridge (the south side) and take care around road crews and traffic managers.