Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Cromwell drivers will be redirected back to a detour route off SH8 from Monday, 29 August 2022.
Two new roundabouts opened to traffic in early June as a temporary measure but they need to close for further work to be completed, says Brendon French, Principal Project Manager for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
The detour route, back in action from Monday, 29 August.
The new roundabouts are at the SH8B/SH6 intersection and the Barry Ave/SH8 intersection. Barry Ave is funded by the Wooing Tree subdivision developer, the SH8B/SH6 intersection is government-funded through the NZ Upgrade Programme safety project, managed by Waka Kotahi.
“We wanted to give people plenty of notice that the roundabout routes are closing for a few months until they can be opened permanently before Christmas,” says Mr French.
“Most people appreciated the opportunity for an early test drive of the new roundabouts ahead of their official opening in December. We could only do this because winter temperatures were too cold to successfully apply a permanent topcoat seal to both roundabouts. In the meantime, crews have been preparing the area for landscaping and building footpaths.”
The detour will remain until late November and is approved for all heavy vehicles. NB: Murray Terrace is not approved for heavy vehicles, drivers can take Barry Ave.
Work to complete the two roundabouts includes landscaping, permanent sealing of both roundabouts, roadworks linking the two and building a cycle and pedestrian underpass near the Barry Ave/SH8 intersection roundabout.
From mid-September, a road closure will be in place on SH8B between Sargood Road and the Wooing Tree roundabout for the underpass work. People should look out for on-site signage and detour routes.
The NZ Upgrade safety project will make the busy, high crash risk SH8B/SH6 Cromwell intersection safer for everyone.