Employment Negotiations – PSA members at Auckland Council to vote on new pay deal


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: PSA

The PSA and Auckland Council have negotiated an agreement in principle on pay and conditions that the union is recommending to members.
Staff will receive a pay increase of 5.9 percent for the next 12 months, and there is agreement for financial benefits for union members, scoping a new trust-based approach to leave, and many other positive steps towards a better working life.
PSA national secretary Duane Leo says, “At a time when fuel, food and energy bills are rocketing, it’s great to see this large employer coming to the table with an offer that stops workers’ wages from going backwards.”
“It is important that all workers receive an increase that recognises both the importance of their work and the increased cost of living.”
The agreement in principle is subject to approval by the parties and ratification by members. The results of the vote will be known late September 2022.


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