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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Te Pukenga

Behind every good team there is often another team – a crew of people who, although largely unseen, provide invaluable support, energy and insights.
In the case of the Otago Nuggets basketball franchise, no fewer than 15 Otago Polytechnic students have been involved in helping them navigate their 2022 season.
Otago Polytechnic students have been working as interns across a range of functions. From Event Management, Photography, Sport Science/Video Analysis, Massage, Career Pathway and Strength and Conditioning, the crew have been lending a hand in all sorts of ways.
“It is a credit to Otago Polytechnic that these students are able to fit so well into our organisation,” says Angela Ruske, Otago Nuggets General Manager.
“Each and every one of these students is valued by our organisation. It is important to our franchise that we play an active role in our community, and we hope that being able to provide work experience to these students may benefit them in the future as they seek full-time employment.”
Otago Polytechnic learner Elyshia Hunt, who is studying a Graduate Diploma in Event Management, is enjoying the real-world opportunities provided by her role as an events intern with the Nugget.
“My role focuses on assisting with the game-day experience for the Nuggets’ corporate partners and their guests. This involves co-ordinating catering, helping set-up and pack-down of the venue, assisting with ticket scanning, as well as any other volunteer roles on the day.
“The experience showcases certain aspects of my study, such as the marketing and partnership that surround events, ensuring that partners and sponsors see the worth of their contribution to the team or event and feel valued.”
Likewise, Bachelor of Applied Management student Megan Collins is enjoying the challenge of Nuggets game days, as well as gaining deeper insights into areas that complement her majors (Marketing and Sales, and Strategic Management)
“My work with the Nuggets provides support to the management team and I gain some valuable experience in watching what they do to make the basketball season run smoothly,” Megan says.
“The experiences I receive with the Otago Nuggets feed into my studies. I get to see the real life behind the scenes and gain insights into aspects of management that relate directly to my degree and what I have learnt within classes over the last two and a-half years. Working with the Nuggets is enabling me to put some of the theory work I have completed in class into practice.
“It has been a really insightful. The experience will be valuable in my future careers.”
Fellow Otago Polytechnic learners Craig Burch-Morunga, Mandy Gray, Shannon O’Conner and Lucy Currier have been involved in photographing Nuggets players for promotional material.
“It has been cool working with a real client who has specific wants,” says Craig, who is studying a New Zealand Diploma in Photography.
“Being able to work on communication skills with a client has been invaluable. The wealth of knowledge mined from this real-life experience has been fantastic,” Craig adds.
Angela Ruske praises the Otago Polytechnic crew for their work ethic.
“They are reliable, hard-working and produce high-quality work. This is definitely a mutually beneficial relationship, as access to these intern students helps us improve what we are able to deliver – both on and off the court.
“We look forward to continuing this relationship and commend Otago Polytechnic on the quality of the programmes they are offering their students.”
Note: The Nuggets’ last home game for the 2022 season is against the Franklin Bulls on Sunday, 7 August, at 3pm at the Edgar Centre. The women’s team – Southern Hoiho – are playing at 12:30pm against the Mainland Pouākai.