Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti
4 mins ago
The Top Art Exhibition will be held at EIT’s IDEAschool on the Hawke’s Bay Campus from 12-23 September 2022.
The Top Art Exhibition, which showcases the best work from the last year’s NCEA Level 3 Art and Design students from around the country, is coming to EIT.
EIT’s IDEAschool on the Hawke’s Bay Campus will host the exhibition from 12-23 September. The annual touring exhibition covers five streams – design, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture and offers secondary students and teachers the opportunity to gain an understanding of what is required to achieve Excellence at Level 3. It also allows members of the public to see the high quality art being created in schools.
EIT IDEAschool Design Lecturer James Smith is promoting the exhibition and says EIT is excited to be able to display quality artwork.
“The Top Art exhibition is a showcase of the best 2021 NCEA level 3 art and design boards from around Aotearoa. We will be exhibiting this travelling exhibition in one of our studio spaces at IDEAschool for two weeks.”
James says the community is invited to attend the exhibition, but he is especially keen on high school groups coming through. These student visiting groups will also be given a tour of the facilities.
“We want students to be able see examples of top quality design and artwork. Hopefully this will encourage them with their own boards and give them the opportunity to see our amazing facilities.”
James says that IDEAschool will also be holding an Open Day while the exhibition is on.
“This will be held on Thursday, 22 September and will allow visitors to see our facilities and the work that students and staff are producing at IDEAschool. We also plan to have performances, exhibitions and workshops from our music, fashion and screen production programmes.”
“It is about showing off IDEAschool for prospective students as they’re finishing high school, with the aim of getting them to consider our programmes for their future tertiary studies.”
For more information about the exhibition please contact James Smith at