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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Steps to improve safety and reduce traffic noise on State Highway 3 at Egmont Village, Taranaki, will get underway shortly, in response to feedback from the local community.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency says new advanced speed warning signs will soon be erected, alerting motorists to the upcoming reduction in speed limit from 100km/h to 70km/h through the village. The new signs will be installed approximately 200 metres out from the existing 70km/h signs to the north and south of the village.

At the same time, Waka Kotahi will install new signs near the state highway entrance points to the village advising heavy vehicle drivers not to use their engine brakes.

Director Regional Relationships Linda Stewart say it’s great to be able to deliver these improvements following discussions with members of the local community.

“We’ve heard the community’s concerns and these measures will contribute to a safer and quieter environment for everyone in Egmont Village, including the primary school, residents, businesses and those travelling through the village.

“We are also considering additional safety improvements along SH3 between New Plymouth and Hāwera, including at Egmont Village, as well as reviewing appropriate speed limits on this and other state highways in the region. This work contributes toward Road to Zero – an Aotearoa New Zealand where no one is killed or seriously injured on our roads.”