Imports and exports of services both see a rise in March quarter – Stats NZ media and information release: International trade: March 2022 quarter


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Imports and exports of services both see a rise in March quarter – Media release

2 June 2022

Total services imports rose 35 percent ($1.4 billion) in the March 2022 quarter, compared with March 2021, while total services exports rose 12 percent ($376 million), Stats NZ said today.

When compared with the March 2020 quarter (before the main impacts of COVID-19), total services imports were down 0.1 percent, while services exports were down 59 percent.

“Services imports have been quicker than services exports to return to pre-pandemic levels, largely due to increases in the volume and cost of transportation, which is a large import category for New Zealand,” international trade manager Alasdair Allen said.

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