Business Central – Released Letter was the Red Light for LGWM


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Business Central

Today’s ‘secret’ letter release disappointingly confirms what was long suspected – that Ministers meddled with the original Let’s Get Wellington Moving plans, which were recommended by Officials and backed by Wellingtonians.
“This letter has delayed much-needed Wellington transport projects by more than a decade,” says Simon Arcus, Wellington Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive.
“It calls into question the extensive prior consultation, and possibly subsequent consultations, effectively steamrolling the views of Wellingtonians and businesses. The Chamber alone has made 18 submissions on transport related consultations since 2013.
“What’s now clear – it is this letter that diverted the entire programme. This letter stopped progress on the Basin and Terrace tunnel network improvements, making them conditional on a having Mass-Rapid Transit finalised, with a preference for a light rail option, adding significant costs onto Wellington ratepayers.
“What’s worse, in the recent Budget Treasury warned there’s no clear plan to pay for the letter’s demands.
“Wellingtonians deserve better than this. We’re nearly nine years on from the Basin debacle and five years on from its proposed fix – and instead of moving Wellington’s stalled at the Cobham drive crossing.”


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