Kua pānuihia ngā kaupapa mō Matariki Ahunga Nui


Source: New Zealand Government

Kua pānuihia ngā kaupapa mō Matariki Ahunga Nui

Kua pānuihia ngā kaitono i angitu ā rātou tono pūtea hei tautoko i te iwi Māori ki te whakaora mai anō, ki te whakatinana anō i ngā mātauranga mō Matariki o te hau kāinga.

I whakaterea te kaupapa o Matariki Ahunga Nui e Te Arawhiti i te tōmuatanga o te 2022 kia mōhiotia ai te wāhi ki te mātauranga Māori i ngā mahi whakanui i te hararei tūmatanui hou o te motu. 

E 60 katoa ngā kaitono kua whakawhiwhia ki te pūtea puta i te motu mō ētahi kaupapa pērā i te tirotitiro ki ngā huihuinga o nehe mō Matariki me te kohinga waiata mō Matariki e kōrero ana mō ōna whetū. 

Hei tā Kelvin Davis, Minita o Te Arawhiti, “He maha ngā tāngata, ngā kaupapa me ngā iwi kua pukumahi i roto i ngā ngahurutanga tau kia kore ai e ngaro ngā mātauranga ahurei mō Matariki.”

Hei tāna anō, “Ko Matariki te wā e hoki ai a mahara ki ngā rā o mua, e whakanuia ai tēnei wā nei, e whakariterite ai mō ngā rā ki tua.  I te hōrapa o ngā huihuinga kua āwhinatia e te tahua ki ngā rohe, kua kaha ake te noho mārama a ngā reanga kei te piki ake mō Matariki.”

I wātea te tahua ki ngā iwi Māori hei hanga rauemi, hei whakahaere huihuinga ka āta whai kia kaha ake te mōhiotia o ngā kōrero mō te kāhui o Matariki.

Hei tā Ahorangi Rangi Mātāmua, Kaiarataki Matua mō te Mātauranga Matariki me te Manukura o te Rōpū Arataki o Matariki, “E kōrero mai ana ngā rōpū hapori Māori ki a mātou mō ngā kaupapa whakamīharo ka whakahaeretia huri i te motu. Me pēhea e kore ai e ngākau hiamo.” 

Ka kitea ētahi atu pārongo mō ngā kaitono i angitu i te paetukutuku a Te Arawhiti.

Matariki Ahunga Nui applicants receive funding for celebrations

The successful applicants for a fund that supports iwi Māori to regenerate and practice local mātauranga Matariki have been announced.

The Matariki Ahunga Nui initiative was launched by Te Arawhiti – the Office for Māori Crown Relations in early 2022 to recognise the role of mātauranga Māori in celebrating the country’s new public holiday

A total of 60 applicants have been awarded funding for kaupapa across the motu that will range from marae based wānanga that explore traditional Matariki ceremonies to albums promoting Matariki waiata that tell stories about the stars.

“There are a number of people, kaupapa and iwi who have been working hard over decades to ensure the specialised mātauranga embodying Matariki is not lost,” Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Minister Kelvin Davis said.

“Matariki is a time for us to remember the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future. The regional spread of events helped by this funding will build on the next generation’s understanding of Matariki.” Kelvin Davis said.

Funding was available for iwi Māori to develop resources and host events that focus on building greater awareness of te kāhui o Matariki.

“We have Māori community groups telling us about the amazing things that will be happening across the motu. It’s hard not to be excited.” says Professor Rangi Mātāmua, Chief Advisor Mātauranga Matariki and Chair of the Matariki Advisory Group.  

More information about the successful applicants can be found on the Te Arawhiti website.  


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