Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti
2 hours ago
Sarah Terry, Discipline Leader – Music (left), EIT Executive Dean Professor Nat Waran, EIT Chief Executive Chris Collins and Acting Head of IDEAschool Cherie Freeman at the unveiling of EIT IDEAschool’s new music facilities.
The new music facilities at EIT’s IDEAschool were filled with the sound of music at its unveiling this week.
The purpose-built facility at EIT’s Hawke’s Bay Campus in Taradale, now houses new computer labs, and a live performance space in addition to rehearsal rooms and recording studio, for students in the NZ Diploma in Music [Level 5] and the Bachelor of Creative Practice [Music].
EIT Chief Executive Chris Collins says it marks a long journey for the music programme.
“It’s a real pleasure to be here to see these facilities which have had a number of different iterations over the years, find another vibrant lease of life.”
“It’s a place where you can build a sense of community and add life to this end of the campus.”
He thanked everyone for the work that went into the project, which began at the end of last year.
“We hope this will enrich the students’ experience whilst studying with us and attract more students into this creative space.”
EIT Executive Dean Professor Nat Waran echoed Chris’ sentiments and thanked him for “listening” to the staff and students and enabling this exciting new space to be developed.
She paid tribute to everyone who helped make this happen, both from a physical point of view, and the music department, including the former Head of IDEAschool and celebrated classical guitarist, Professor Matthew Marshall, who is now working in Malaysia.
“He was the music maestro who championed the need for a specialist music facility to provide students with what’s needed to support their learning as well as to attract more students to join us’.
“While this didn’t happen on his watch, it has happened, and it can only get better and better from here.”
Bachelor of Creative Practice [Music] student Turei Kire performed a selection of songs at the opening.
Acting Head of IDEAschool Cherie Freeman says the facilities will provide a realistic experience for students through the creative process.
“Previous to this we were teaching in temporary rooms that were not designed with what is needed for students to perform. Now, we’ve got a purpose-built modern facility, designed to provide for an acoustics and performance space.
“We haven’t had anything as big as this in terms of a performance room, so this will really provide a realistic experience for students when they’re doing their performances.”
Sarah Terry, Discipline Leader – Music, says the opening of the new music facilities is an important step in the programme’s development.
“It’s a celebration. We’ve been based in the old temporary building for quite a while and the program has changed and we’ve grown, so we really needed a bit more space and better facilities- we are very grateful to now have that.”